Saturday, March 27, 2010

Review of the movie "North Face" ( Nordwand)

I really enjoyed this movie. It's cinematography reminded me of classic color films from the fifty's. The shots of the Eiger ( Ogre!) are magnificent and show its brutal power. The acting is completely effortless and transparent and the story draws one in with such power that the audience starts to wrap themselves up to stave of the freezing winds. Johanna Wokalek works a beautifully understated and believable character as the heroine Luise Fellner. The whole cast works well.
A sad end awaits but well worth the beautifully intense and intensely beautiful movie.

Vitus the Mad is bloggtastic

I signed up for this since my daughter is blogging and I want to follow her blogs.
I also find it difficult to express myself in the 140 characters that Facebook allows for
status updates.
So, thats all for now, Folks!